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Facilitation Scenarios about AI for Librarians

Dear librarian, let’s talk about AI. If you want to spark conversation between you and your colleagues, we have the right thing for you! In collaboration with a professional facilitator, we have prepared meeting or workshop scenarios , which will help you cover the most current topics team of librarians can discuss in relation to AI.

💡 PRO TIP: read our facilitation tips & tricks for better meetings before staring a session. It's always included in the scenario.

Scenario 1: Tackling the fears and barriers

The scenario is for situations where you know or suspect that the topic of working with AI is a concern to the team.

📎 See attached pdf for Scenario 1.

Scenario 2: Mapping the knowledge of the team

The scenario is for situations where you want to gauge the level of familiarity with the  topic and promote shared understanding.

📎 See attached pdf for Scenario 2.

Scenario 3: Inventing activities together

This scenario is for situations where your team feels motivated to explore and agree on how to approach working with AI in your library.

📎 See attached pdf for Scenario 3.

All in one scenario

If you want to do all of these activities in one longer sitting, we have prepared a full version for you as well.

What to do if…

You need more support?

You can ask for help of a professional facilitator. We can recommend… or…

You are interested in complementary methods and materials?

You can use some of these: